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 Ellen Kopp, RN, BSN 
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

helping families 

achieve optimal health

through bloodwork & bioenergetics, 
education, empowerment, and individualization

my unique approach to healing

what if you could dive deeper to find the true reason behind your symptoms?

What if you were able to learn how to honor your symptoms, acknowledging that they are your body’s way of communicating with you?

what if, instead of a blanketed or streamlined protocol, you could receive an individualized plan based on your unique health?

What if I told you you didn’t have to spend thousands of dollars on testing to actually feel well?


this is my unique approach to healing, and this is what I believe…

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I believe 

that the body has an innate intelligence that, given the right circumstances and support, can heal from any state of being

that each individual has the right to be informed, educated, and empowered, to take charge of their own health and wellbeing

 in a whole body approach to healing, while also supporting the mind and soul

and most importantly, I believe in your ability to not only heal, but to thrive

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what past clients are saying

“Ellen went above and beyond my expectations. I have never had a provider truly assess each individual lab and help find patterns and look at optimal levels. I didn't have many levels in an outside-of-norm range, but had several that weren't optimal. I have always been told everything looks normal and good and Ellen is the first person to dive in deeper. My individual protocol was specific to my needs and I feel confident that I am prepared and set up for a healthy pregnancy.”

optimizer lab bundle review 

"You have been so helpful in my journey of taking responsibility for mine and my children's health! I really don't know if I'd ever have the confidence this far without you. I appreciate you so much!"

1:1 parent

"I felt so validated and empowered after my consultation today. Thank you for investing so much to help people like me."

1:1 client

"I feel like my body is starting to get back into a normal rhythm again. The bags under my eyes are starting to diminish and my skin is clearer. Over all, I feel my protocol has helped my body tremendously."

1:1 client

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I’ve seen total health transformation 
for my clients, and I want the same for YOU.

all you have to do is take that first step

whether that is taking advantage of free 
content, downloading educational guides, 
or utilizing high quality 1:1 services, 
I’m here to support you
with whatever you may choose

are you ready?

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invest in your health today

fill out a quick application to begin your healing journey with me

follow me on instagram for free holistic health education and content

join my email list and get instant access to my free Focus on Foundations guide, getting you started on your healing journey

learn more about optimizing your health through one of my several guides available

Ellen Kopp, RN, BSN 
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

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